Saturday, March 10, 2012


Okay guys we are gonna try to do it right this time we are bringing the blog back and we are gonna keep it updated. Thanx for being patient!!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012


To any Of the Dishers that may read this particular post let me first say thank you for visiting us again! We apologize deeply for not keeping up regular on the posts as we both Justin and myself dealt with pivotal moments in life that commanded all of our attention. REALLY REALLY SOON THAT WILL CHANGE PLZ STICK WITH US!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My take on Toni Braxton's career

This isnt really anything, just was listening to some tunes with my mother and i was explaining what went wrong in Toni's music career......MARIAH CAREY!

Now let me explain and ill keep it short. Toni Released "Please" around the same time Mariah released "Its Like That" in my opinion Toni won lol. Please gave me everything it should have and the video was exactly what it should have been. Mariah and "Its like that" was cute but by no means her best..Everything looked great for toni. the album as a whole was amazing. Now this is where Mariah killed Toni's career by accident. Toni released her best track on the "Pulse" album titled "TRIPPIN" the song is fire!!! But A week Later Mariah dropped "We belong together" at radio and we all know the rest of the great as Pulse was Mimi Emancipated on everyone and everything. And killed Toni's career.

This is what Toni needs to do save her career........Fire Tamar's Husband Hire Benny Medina!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Kim Kardashians MESSAGE To Her Fans!

A Message To My Fans
This is probably the hardest thing I’ve ever had to write. I see all of the support and I am so thankful for my fans, friends and family who are helping me through this difficult time.

I am trying not to read all the different media reports but it’s hard not to see all the negative ones. First and foremost, I married for love. I can’t believe I even have to defend this. I would not have spent so much time on something just for a TV show! I share so much of my life on a reality show, that contemplating whether to even film my wedding was a tough decision to make, and maybe it turned out to not be the smartest decision. But it’s who I am! We filmed Kourtney giving birth, Khloe getting married, break ups, make ups, our best moments and our worst moments. These were all real moments. That’s what makes us who we are. We share, we give, we love and we are open!

Everyone that knows me knows that I’m a hopeless romantic! I love with all of my heart and soul. I want a family and babies and a real life so badly that maybe I rushed in to something too soon. I believed in love and the dream of what I wanted so badly. I felt like I was on a fast roller coaster and couldn’t get off when now I know I probably should have. I got caught up with the hoopla and the filming of the TV show that when I probably should have ended my relationship, I didn’t know how to and didn’t want to disappoint a lot of people.

I’m being honest here and I hope you respect my courage because this isn’t easy to go through. But I do know that I have to follow my heart. I never had the intention of hurting anybody and I accept full responsibility for my actions and decisions, and for taking everyone on this journey with me. It just didn’t turn out to be the fairy tale I had so badly hoped for.

There are also reports that I made millions of dollars off of the wedding. These reports are simply not true and it makes me so sad to have to even clarify this. I’m so grateful to everyone who took the time to come to my wedding and I’ll be donating the money for all the gifts to the Dream Foundation.

I’m sorry if I have hurt anyone, but my dad always told me to follow my heart and I believe now that I really am.

- Kim Kardashian

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cheryl Cole vs Cher Lloyd

Cher Lloyd has dug herself into a nice little whole with her once Mentor Cheryl Cole. It all started when Cher took a jab at Cheryls girl group "Girls Aloud" stating something to the effect that she{cher} never listened to the huge girl group and she thought they and there music was too chessy.

Well thats not nice. Esp since all the women in  Girls Aloud including Cheryl Cole half very Big careers.Cheryls being the biggest.Two number 1 albums and number 1 singles. anyway lol. Cheryl must have read or heard what Cher was saying about her and her girls and Not one to back down from a fight.
Cheryl has basically haulted Cher from recording a song the Will I Am wrote and intended for Cher's debut album. How u ask?

Well both ladies are looking to break big in the US sometime within the next year. Both are recording there albums in L.A and both just signed deals with record labels there and began recording there albums(cheryls 3rd album but 1st State side and Cher's 1st) they are both using Will I Am. Now mind you Cheryl has worked with him in the past few years on both her albums and they have amazing songs to show for that. Appartenly Cheryl heard the song Will I AM wrote for Cher and "Liked" it so much that she insisted that he let her record and play with it to see if it suits her needs and feel of this album. LOL so CATTY Cheryl but i Love it. Now this means that since its in the hands of Cheryl to play with, CHER cant do anything with the record unless Cole passes it up. lol.

A MESS but This is what a happens when u bad mouth someone who can pull rank on you. Cheryl is a very HOT commudity right now. And Will I AM knows this. Lesson to CHER dont ever bad mouth someone who has taught u took u under there wing. Can u imagine someone talking slick about Mariah Carey. Two women did Christina A. and Jennifer Lopez and well there careers have not been the same since. lol. Watch it Cher.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

New Demi :Skyscraper!

This is a whole new Demi i love this is when i first heard it a few days ago i got tears in my eyes the girl has had a very rough year last year from rehab cuttin and even suicide. Im glad that she is back to making music she never has looked for sounded more amazing! Keep it up girl.

1st pic of Kate Beckinsale as Selen in Underworld 4

Here is a first look at Kate Beckinsale reprising her lead role as the super sexy super bad ass vampire Selen in the cult following movies UnderWorld. The 4th installment and 2nd sequel( Underworld 3:Rise of the Lycans is a prequel to the films while UnderWorld 2: Evolution is the 1st Sequel)  in the franchise is finally being filmed and has a release date of January 20th 2012.

The 4th and more then likely last installment of the UnderWorld films has changed the being called "New Dawn" to the "Awakening" no one knows why nor do we care. Kate is Back(absent for the prequel until the end)!!! that's all the matters. I'm not 100% sure weather or not Micheal played by Scott Speedman is back or not i cant find anything on it. But I'm sure that they will fill in is gaps to why he is no longer in the film.

check the pic below.! I'm so excited! is it Jan 20th yet?

BAD ASS right?!?!?!! Ladies this is NOT your twilight movies. This movie is mainly for the men. Its FULL of kick ass fight scenes blood and gore and everything else men like.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Movie News! Harry Potter is here!

well ladies and gentlemen the FINAL HAPPY POTTER movie is HERE!!!!! I'm excited and a bit sad to see it go.Ill admit i wasn't feeling harry potter movies at all until the 6th one a few years ago. but there was a marathon on TV one day and i caught them all and fell in love. This marks the 8th and final installment on the franchise which is one if thee most successful movie franchise in history.(i didn't check this out just a guess) well the movie premiere's tonight at Midnight tickets are all gone in my neck of the woods until Sunday night. I have never wanted movie tickets and had to wait days to get them lol harry potters fan base is that epic. If you never seen the movies i urge you to rent the last one NOW then go see this one in theaters.

ALSO there is a special BATMAN trailer to be played at the start of the Harry movie(as a preview to the DARK KNIGHT RISES) this is the 1st official preview to the movie this also is Batman's last in the franchise movie, ill touch base on this movie later today or tomorrow cause i just found out that catwomen will indeed be in the new batman movie! EXCITED!!!!! have fun at the movies y'all

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Kelly Rowlan reveals Art Work and Track List

My my my miss Rowland has been busy in the last week. If i didnt know any better id say she is working her ass off to kill what little buzz beyonce has surrounding her album(which i hear is ok) lol. Finally its Kellys time to shine any way below is the track list to "Here i Am" the highly anticipated album from Rowland

1. “I’m Dat Chick”
2. “Work It Man” feat. Lil Playy
3. “Motivation” feat. Lil Wayne
4. “Lay It on Me” feat. Big Sean
5. “Feelin’ Me Right Now”
6. “Turn It Up”
7. “All of the Night” feat. Rico Love
8. “Keep It Between Us”
9. “Commander”
10. “Down for Whatever”

11. “Heaven & Earth”
12. “Each Other”
13. “Motivation (Rebel Rock Remix)” feat. Lil Wayne
14. “Commander (Urban Remix)” feat. Nelly


I have been waiting for some new JOJO tunes. She is by far one of the most underrated stars there is. But something tells me that shit is about to change. She recently made news on every media blog out there when she took Drake "Marvins Room" song and completely Killed it(in a good way) her version is Hot as hell so hot Drake just needs to let her have it for her new album which is still currently untitled. Now she has this new song called "Limbo" its another HOT joint from JoJo. Listen to both "Marvins Room and Limbo" below. I truly encourage every to have these both on your itunes/ipods/zunes/phones lol everything.!

Brtiney Spears NEW!

This is starting to be like a daily report. lol but to make it brief. ppl who went to the Femme Fatale tour are saying britney is looking very happy for the 1st time in recent years. Critics are saying its like she Got her spark back. I didnt get a chance to get tickets due to the fact ill be out of town when she rolls through chicago but i have seen youtube vids and she is looking GREAT and get this DANCING!!! which is huge being that homegirl been acting like a deer in headlights the past few years. Still not Onyx Hotel britney but she is showing a vast imporvment! check the clip below of her hitting every mark for Im a Slave for You.

good job britney I never doubted you!

Monday, June 27, 2011


That b***h cant do me

*Ring, Ring*


Hey Girl is it true that you performing at the BET awards.

Yeah, WHy

I just wanted to know what are your performing and if you would consider A Destiny's Child reunion?

You got some nerve. Im sitting here telling you about my performance and you talking about saving your career. Yes I know about your poor chart performances. See you at B.E.T

Wassup B.E.T , Im Kelly and I came to slay

What am I gone do?

Thats how you break a b***h down

Kelly Rowland's New Album "HERE I AM" coming soon!