Thursday, July 14, 2011

Movie News! Harry Potter is here!

well ladies and gentlemen the FINAL HAPPY POTTER movie is HERE!!!!! I'm excited and a bit sad to see it go.Ill admit i wasn't feeling harry potter movies at all until the 6th one a few years ago. but there was a marathon on TV one day and i caught them all and fell in love. This marks the 8th and final installment on the franchise which is one if thee most successful movie franchise in history.(i didn't check this out just a guess) well the movie premiere's tonight at Midnight tickets are all gone in my neck of the woods until Sunday night. I have never wanted movie tickets and had to wait days to get them lol harry potters fan base is that epic. If you never seen the movies i urge you to rent the last one NOW then go see this one in theaters.

ALSO there is a special BATMAN trailer to be played at the start of the Harry movie(as a preview to the DARK KNIGHT RISES) this is the 1st official preview to the movie this also is Batman's last in the franchise movie, ill touch base on this movie later today or tomorrow cause i just found out that catwomen will indeed be in the new batman movie! EXCITED!!!!! have fun at the movies y'all

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