Thursday, May 26, 2011


SOOOOOOOOOO for those who have not heard Cheryl Cole is out of being a Judge and the Nicole Sherzinger is replacing her. HUGE MISTAKE!!!!!!! Im a big Cole fan her two albums are amazing and i spin them on a daily basis. Now from what i read and heard on news sources the reason she was fired was because Fox thought her accent wasnt media friendly and she didnt "mesh" well with paula. .........

First off you can clearly understand every word that comes out of her mouth. Only stupid people would have problems understanding her lol. And as far as Abdul not getting along with Cole i think she is jealous that she the old head on the show as far as women lol. I think simon played Cheryl really wrong how do you make her USA fans wait 10 months to annouce your bringing her here then 2 auditions in you drop her ass. smh

Also replacing her with a chick who has been trying to release that same album for over 6 years now is a No No lol Aint no one checking for nicole. Having her judge someone on there ability to sing is like making whitney houston replace Dr. Drew on Celebrity Rehab..

Im so over this USA XFactor and Fox tv its not even funny....Let me know your thoughts !

P.s. Apperently they want Cheryl to return to save UK XFactor but rumur is momma dont want anything to do with the show every again. But would you blame her!!!!!

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