Thursday, February 24, 2011


"I started DISHIN WIT JOJO for many reasons, but one reason which stands out most is to create the platform to showcase they're talent. This young man simply has all the talent he can posses"....-Jojo

JoJo: First off tell us a little about you and where you're from?
Juwan: V.A. Shout-Out too everybody there!! Love yall

JoJo: So how did music become such a huge part of your life?
Juwan: Well dahhling Music has always been a big part of my life since I could remember I can remember singing and dancing to Britney and Mariah and Christina it’s just always been there!

JoJo: What’s the first song you can remember singing?
Juwan: O goodness the first song was that one song by that group that sung “Your my little secret and that’s how we should keep it” I don’t know the name of the group or the song don’t “Hold It against me” *Laughs*

JoJo: Tell us about the music that you are working on?
Juwan: Right now I’m working on the new album it’s called “The Impossible” and it will be out hopefully in May! I’m having some label issues right now trying to work that out I’m writing constantly and I’ll start recording in March after my birthday! Sooo real excited about that.

JoJo: In today's world of technology and science, how important is it for you to be able to reach your fans and friends or whatever utilizing TWITTER, FACEBOOK etc....?
Juwan: Its real important to me I mean they can always go to the site ( If they want. That will be updated very soon Michael hasn’t been on it like he should *Laughs* But we love him and for those who don’t know Michael is my manager. But yeah man it really cool to be on twitter and have the fans that I have there amazing and always keeping my spirits up! I love them so much

JoJo: Who are some of your favorite artists?
Juwan: Well everybody knows I’m a LAMB so I love Mariah Carey and I listen to BeyoncĂ© and Rihanna and you know other artists too! We love them all! *Laughs*

JoJo: What are your top 5 fave songs to sing written by someone else?
Juwan: We Belong Together, My Saving Grace, What’s My Name, Bottom of My broken heart, and Can’t Take That Away (Mariah’s Theme)

JoJo: What can we expect from this album that you're getting ready to debut?
Juwan: Well I’m currently getting over a bad Break up soo you will most definitely hear some Break up songs Some love songs and you know some dance tracks it’s going to be fun! I Cant wait.

JoJo: Will there be any promo tours, singles, videos?

Juwan: We have dates to be in some cities but very few we are going to be in L.A. and Hampton, VA and some more cities that I don’t want to give away! It’s not going to be any singing just like a Meet and Greet! And hopefully some radio and what not! As for singles yes one in April will be out Called “What Do I DO” And I can’t wait it’s a smash!

JoJo: Name 3 people in the world of music professional or non-professional that you would love to work with?
Juwan: Mariah Carey, Avi Carroll, and Jai Anthony and others but you only said 3 so I guess I’ll reveal them another time.

JoJo: Why should people listen to your music, what is the unique thing about your music?
Juwan: I really am working hard on this album and there is a little surprise that I’m not going to give away you’re going to have to listen to the album to hear it. So yeah. Excited for the outcome.

JoJo: Would you like to give any shout outs?
Juwan: Yes my lamb family!!!! Jazzy, Neka, Avi, Bryson, Jessica, Luis, Aaron, and many other L4L and thanks to my team and People who help me with this dream Love you guys! And thank you JOJO!

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